Valorant Console Beta in Full Bloom: Release Date on the Horizon?

The Valorant console beta is in full swing, but the burning question for many remains: what’s the official release date? Let’s explore what we know and predict when the full game arrives.

Valorant Console Beta in Full Bloom: Release Date on the Horizon?

Beta Testing: A Time to Grow

The console beta serves as an extensive testing phase for Valorant, ensuring the game is polished and optimized for consoles. There’s no official end date set in stone, but the developers are clear: the beta won’t wrap up until they’re confident everything is “fully locked and loaded.” This means testing server stability, code functionality, and overall gameplay experience.

Fans can expect plenty of advance notice before the beta concludes. The developers promise to update their website and social media channels with the final date, giving players ample time to prepare for the full release.

What to Expect in the Beta

While the beta focuses on non-competitive modes for now, it offers a mix of classic and new maps familiar to PC players. This allows testers to get comfortable with the game’s mechanics and map layouts. Competitive playlists will be integrated later, once players have a chance to acclimate.

Valorant Console Beta Release Date
Image via Riot Games
Full Release: A Glimpse into the Future

With the beta in progress, the official Valorant console release date remains under wraps. However, based on the PC release timeline, we can make some educated guesses.

The PC version’s closed beta ran for a little over six weeks, ending in late May 2020. The full PC release followed shortly after, launching in early June 2020. If the console version follows a similar pattern, the beta could conclude by the end of July, potentially leading to a full release sometime in early to mid-August.

This is, of course, speculation, but it offers a hopeful timeframe for console players eager to dive into the world of Valorant. Keep an eye on the game’s official channels for the official end date of the beta and the much-anticipated full release announcement.
