Slay with Sticks: Top Agents for the Valorant Console Tier List

Forget the keyboard and mouse, it’s time to wreck opponents with a controller! This Valorant console tier list equips you with the best agents to dominate the competition.

Dominate the Console: Valorant Console Tier List

Tier Agents
S Iso, Cypher, Neon
A Phoenix, Jett, Clove, Skye, Omen, Deadlock, Reyna, Gecko
B Raze, Breach, Sova, Killjoy
C Fade, Brimstone, Viper, Sage, Kay/O, Harbor
D Astra, Chamber, Yoru

Taking the crown are Iso, Neon, and Cypher. Iso’s abilities, from Undercut to Contingency, remain perfect for aggressive play and pushing enemies around. He thrives on both coordinated teams and solo efforts, making him a versatile nightmare for opponents. His ultimate, Kill Contract, puts your skills to the ultimate test in a thrilling 1v1 duel.

Valorant console tier list
Image via Riot Games

Neon brings similar firepower. Her speed allows for swift flanks and superior positioning, while Fast Lane lets you control key areas of the map, making attackers and objective pushes a breeze. But the real showstopper is her ultimate, Overdrive. In the right hands, it’s pure devastation, rewarding you with bonus time after each elimination.

Finally, Cypher reigns supreme in intel gathering. With his spycams, tripwires, and other gadgets, he’s unmatched in team utility. Mastering Cypher requires strong map knowledge, but that’s exactly why he deserves his S-rank status.

While this list provides an overview, remember: map selection is key! Certain agents excel on specific maps. For instance, characters who can control tight spaces might be fantastic on Haven, while long-range specialists might shine on Breeze. This tier list offers a general overview, but consider the map layout when choosing your Agent.

With this Valorant console tier list as your guide, you’re well on your way to wrecking havoc with your controller. Now get out there and conquer the console battlefield!
